Saturday, 7 April 2012

It's been a while. Having fallen into relapse with an auto-immune thyroid condition, the end of 2011 did not go at all as I had expected. I was gravely ill and life took an abrupt turn.
Since recovering and getting life back to a state of normality, I have been investigating my condition and others like it, doing many hours of research. In early January I suddenly felt compelled to empower myself and really get to know what I am dealing with.
After many weeks rolled into months, I finally began to piece together a profile of all things thyroid. There has been an overspill of course. Anything concerning the body and it's varying functions and systems means that we are inevitably not dealing with just one gland. It has been a truly fascinating time for me. Without a discipline such as Yoga, I do not think I would have had the patience or even the interest in my body to bother trying to get to the bottom of this.
I have, needless to say, had some interesting conversations with my consultant regarding alternative methods of treatment. Western medics seem to be blinkered in their outlook. My own experience of this is echoed all over the internet by many others, who have had similar responses when voicing interest in other healing approaches and protocols. There is a distinct lack of enthusiasm which overspills into disdain.
I would find this easier to swallow if the Western approach to much of the disease we are facing in the world today (and it is all around us let's face it) was actually curing people, but the simple fact is, it isn't.
During my research I came across the same story over and over again. My conclusion from these gleanings and my own experience dealing with this illness for the past 7 years....? Medicine as we know it is not curing people, it is simply providing symptomatic relief.
You could argue that this is not medicine's fault. Many people, when faced with illness or pain want instant relief. This is understandable. Drugs and medicines provide this relief. They also provide results. Unfortunately, many of these positive results are based on observable phenomena reflected in the negation of the symptom. Symptoms are often merely surface indicators of underlying issues and imbalances. They are a little like the warning lights that appear on the dashboard of your car.
To truly heal oneself, it is necessary to make adjustments to diet, lifestyle and many areas of life, as imbalance in the body is multi-faceted, like the body itself.

I am embarking on a healing programme at the present time, one which will be ongoing over the coming months and years.
As things progress I shall report points of interest along the way.

In the meantime, if you or anyone you know would find this interesting, please forward the link to my blog, and check out the link below to learn more about deep healing versus symptom removal:

Warm Regards and a Happy Easter,


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