As I write this post, I have been on the Nutritional Balancing Programme developed by emminent bio-chemist Dr Paul Eck , and continued by Dr. L Wilson, for ten weeks. The programme is designed to work slowly and therefore gently, but thoroughly, so healing takes place over months and years rather than days and weeks.
So far, so good. I have been keeping a diary of sorts, and reporting on various interesting moments along my journey, namely healing or cleansing reactions en route. To understand the way deep healing works, it is best to study Dr Wilson's website. There are many articles on the site which discuss most physical conditions and disease, as well as mental illnesses, all of which can be significantly affected if one applies the patience and discipline and adheres to the programme.
My interest in the programme was initially sparked when I read of Wilson's experience (and superior knowledge and study of) an auto-immune thyroid condition known as Graves' Disease, which I have suffered from for the past seven years. Wilson's continued exploration of such conditions is linked with the programmes that he and his team of doctors prescribe to individuals, based on mineral and nutritional imbalance findings from hair samples which are carefully analysed. It is not enough to simply analyse the results, however. One must know how to interpret them , and this is where Dr Eck's initial research and development, and Wilson's continued study over the past 30 years has helped over 100 people with this condition, a condition, which the medical profession considers incurable.
Wilson's work is priceless, as the medics are clearly doing nothing to get to the bottom of thyroid issues, which are increasingly common today. He sights the medical establishments inability to address the thyroid as one of the most significant failures in allopathic or conventional modern medicine. I am inclined to agree.
Anyway, having set the backdrop, let's get back to the healing journey. It is important to see progress as a journey when embarking on a programme such as this. Results are not instant as they are with many medications and even holistic treatments, which alleviate symptoms quickly, giving us the illusion of well-being.
So far, I have been applying the diet and additional supplements, and doing regular detox work everyday. Certain procedures are necessary daily if one is to aid the body in releasing harmful heavy metals and other toxins which have been stored in organs such as the liver and the brain. The supplements address the nutritional imbalances, and a diet of mainly cooked vegetables, good fats and some meat protein everyday helps to supply the body with badly needed nutrients.
To begin with I found the lack of sugar in my diet a problem, as I craved carbohydrates, but these cravings have dissipated over time, and I have now excluded all sugar and only eat complex carbs a couple of times a day, replacing them with vegetables whenever I can. I didn't think that I could live without chocolate, and it turns out, I can!
Some of the healing symptoms have been digestive, and I have noticed a lot of noise coming from my stomach at certain times! I always thought my digestion was good, but according to my hair analysis, this is not the case.
I have had trouble sleeping, and my mind has been consumed by erratic and fearful thoughts, often late at night. Some nights the disturbance has felt physical too, as if I have a lot of nervous energy and just need to get up and run it off.
My skin has flared up with bouts of eczema coming and going, and various menstrual symptoms too. Other interesting reactions are fluctuations in temperature and cramping which feels like it is stemming from the region of my liver, and aching lower back around the kidneys.
Some days I am incredibly tired, despite getting plenty of sleep, an crucial factor of the programme. I have had the odd sore throat (very mild), and occasionally a nasty tasting thick mucus which drips down the back of my throat, but these do not last long.
Most recently, I have had the feeling that I am more grounded, more 'in my body'. At certain times I have noticed a strange feeling in my body, like a wave of energy which travels through me like a quiet shock wave. I experienced this last night, and am curious to know what it is. To begin with, lying in bed, I was uncomfortable with the sensation, and countered it's onset by fidgeting around under the bedclothes, but I made a conscious effort to 'sit with it' as the waves hit rhythmically. This helped a good deal, and made me experience the sensation rather than avoid it.
As someone who spends a good deal of time in her head, I know that grounding is essential for me. My meditation exercise is really helping with this, and I am feeling curious as to how this will unfold....
More as and when,
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